Name of requestor *
Contact number *
Email address *
Please check the applicable box(es)
Name of other individual(s) whom you are making a correction request on behalf of:
Contact number
Email address

(1) Accuracy: the information I have provided is true and accurate; (2) TrustArc role: that I understand the service is provided by TrustArc on behalf of NAC Partners Sdn Bhd and that once TrustArc provides my request to NAC Partners Sdn Bhd , TrustArc will retain an encrypted record of my request; (3) Privacy: that I understand the information will be handled by TrustArc in accordance with its Privacy Policy and by NAC Partners Sdn Bhd in accordance with its Privacy Policy; (4) Contact: that NAC Partners Sdn Bhd has the right to contact me to verify my identity and to process this request.